Extra help outside the school day.

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Think about what has to happen in a classroom for children to learn. Not just gaining skills in basics like reading and math. Things like consistent attendance. Respectful behavior. And real engagement between teacher and student. Without the last three, the first two rarely happen.

Four Clark County elementary schools, two middle schools, and a high school are designated as 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Sites. Coordinated by Youth Link, with funding through a grant from the Indiana Department of Education, they offer after-school academic and behavioral interventions for teacher and principal referred students in grades 1–5 at the elementary level, grades 6–8 at the middle school level, and grades 9-12 at the high school level. 

Youth Link provides these students with homework assistance, credit recovery, and tutoring where needed. We also give students the opportunity to participate in a variety of other enrichment activities such as service-learning, STEM, college/career experiences, arts & culture, and other enrichment activities. From Mr. Science to ZUMBA®, have access to a variety of activities and experiences that improve not only academic skills but also confidence, curiosity and social/emotional development.

The results? Higher scores and comprehension in math and reading among many students. Improved homework completion and class participation. And better attendance, with fewer behavior problems.



maintained or improved their reading & math grades in the 2021-2022 year.

Extended Day Learning

The “typical” school day doesn’t meet everyone’s needs. Some parents work long hours or multiple jobs. Some students need additional time for learning, socializing and fun. That’s why the Extended Day Learning (EDL) Program was launched at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. 

With Extended Day Learning, Youth Link Southern Indiana provides before and after school care for grades pre-k – 6 in Clarksville, Greater Clark, and Silver Creek Schools. The program creates an engaging, enriching, and nurturing environment with homework help and enrichment activities.



benefited from 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Extended Day Learning before and after school programs in 2020-2021.