We remove the barriers to student success.
Imagine you’re on a road. Suddenly, there’s an impassable barrier. Or several. There’s no way around, over or through. None. But everything you want and need is on the other side. What do you do?
That’s what a lot of students face every day. They want to learn and grow, so that a world of work, stability and happiness can open up to them. But enormous barriers, from hunger, houselessness, learning struggles, trauma, poverty and more, stand in their way. There’s no way around, over or through.
That’s why Youth Link Southern Indiana exists. Working with teachers and parents, we tear down the barriers that keep kids from succeeding. And with those same teachers and parents, we guide students safely through obstacles toward a clearer, brighter future.
How? Through in-school programs including Resource Coordinators, Mental Health Services, 321 Read and Bare Necessities, and broader outreach like vision screenings for all students — plus before- and after-school programs like 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Extended Day Learning. Choose an option below to see how they each help kids succeed.

serviced each year by Youth Link Southern Indiana.
of tutored students
maintained a C average or improved their report card grades.
Based on data from the 2021 – 2022 school year.
You can help!
We need you! Youth Link Southern Indiana can only help these kids when generous donors like you join us. Your donation provides new books; personal items like coats, hats, gloves, and toiletries for homeless and low-income youth; scholarships for after-school programs; academic support; and access to school-based therapy.

Youth Link Southern Indiana began as Communities In Schools of Clark County in 2002 to improve school achievement. Youth Link Southern Indiana partners with all four school districts in Clark County and New Albany High School in Floyd County, providing resources, support, and programming to 19 schools. Services include tutoring, mentoring, basic needs resources, mental health services, as well as before and after school programming. Youth Link Southern Indiana’s model of services ensures that the whole community comes together to support students.